Board of Directors

Greetings From Yisroel Orzel
Yeshiva President
With great admiration for the yeshiva and the talmidim, I am privileged to serve as the President of the Ohr Naftoli, New Windsor Board of Directors. It is a yeshiva that is unparalleled in chinuch, warmth, and nachas ruach, offering the talmidim the best of the best that encourages and supports them as they grow into genuine bnei Torah.
Under the strong leadership of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Horav Moshe Silberberg shlit’a, the Menahel, Horav Ahron Yosef Pitter shlit’a, and the Executive Director, Rabbi Eli Schneider shilt’a, this institution has taken a prominent place among all the mainstream yeshivos, and rightfully so. With their vision, warmth, sincerity, and dedication, they continue to ensure the success of literally hundreds of young talmidim. Together with the unbelievable staff of devoted rebbeim, they are mechanech the bochurim b’lev v’nefesh and instill in them ahavas Torah and yiras shamayim. The location of the yeshiva, in the quaint and tranquil town of New Windsor, is part of its identity and mission, allowing the talmidim to focus on their learning without distraction. This setting supports the hanhala and rebbeim in their goal to leave an indelible mark on the talmidim. By stellar example, they show the bochurim the meaning of living a life of Torah and derech eretz.
The location of the yeshiva, in the quaint and tranquil town of New Windsor, is part of its identity and mission, allowing the talmidim to focus on their learning without distraction. This setting supports the hanhala and rebbeim in their goal to leave an indelible mark on the talmidim. By stellar example, they show the bochurim the meaning of living a life of Torah and derech eretz.
My involvement in this incredible yeshiva is not only a pleasure, but a true zechus. May we continue to see tremendous nachas from the talmidim and continued growth and success from this incredible makom Torah.
Warmest personal regards,
Yisroel Orzel

The Ohr Naftoli, New Windsor Board of Directors is comprised of accomplished individuals who create a collective inimitable force. Aside from the strong leadership and advocacy they provide, it’s the concern for the talmidim and the time they invest without restriction that makes them an integral part of the New Windsor family. Yeshiva matters are not confined to a board meeting or a conference table; each and every member is available around the clock, always keeping the yeshiva at the forefront, regardless of individual concerns and obligations. They take personal pride in the hatzlacha of the yeshiva, motivating the talmidim with their benevolence.
Executive Board

Mr. Yisroel Orzel
Yisroel Orzel, more affectionately known to the talmidim as “Uncle Sruly”, is a treasured member of the Ohr Naftoli family. His selfless devotion to the Klal is absolutely unparalleled. As director of Polaris Healthcare and president of White Eagle Property Group, Mr. Orzel has a packed schedule but will never hesitate to drop everything to assist the Torah community. He serves with distinction on many boards, including Agudah, Ohr V’Daas, President of the Rachmistrivka Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, and most notably, Yeshiva Spring Valley, a mosad that he holds dear and where he devotes so much of his time and attention. As Board President of New Windsor, his leadership and dedication are surpassed only by the true care and concern he shows the talmidim.

Mr. Chaim Silberberg
Vice President
Mr. Chaim Silberberg, vice president of the board, is best described as the super glue that holds all the pieces together. As an integral member of the board, Mr. Silberberg brings his incredible business acumen not only as a professional developer but in all his worldly experience. He is an active member of the board at Bnos Yaakov in Lakewood and as such, plays a vital role in their building and construction endeavors. Mr. Silberberg’s unwavering dedication to limud Torah is evident as he commits to daily learning with Alumni–BMG. From the yeshiva’s early years until today, Mr. Silberberg’s investments of both time and resources have been essential to Ohr Naftoli’s continued growth and success.

Rabbi Zev A. Beren
Associate Vice President
A pillar of the Denver community, Rabbi Zev Beren hails from an illustrious three generation Colorado Torah family. To memorialize this incredible legacy, the New Windsor Beis Medrash proudly bears the name of his late father a’h. In addition to his incredible business acumen, Rabbi Beren is a tremendous baal tzedakah and baal chesed. In his always quiet and unassuming way, he is a staunch Ohr Naftoli supporter who works hard behind the scenes to assist the yeshiva in innumerable ways.

Mr. Jeffrey Weiskopf
Associate Vice President
With his keen business sense and sharp attention to detail, Jeff Weiskopf is an incredible asset to the yeshiva as the board’s associate vice president. He serves as the Chairman and CEO of White Eagle Property Group. His strong leadership is well utilized as a member of the Executive Board of Torah Umesorah, Ohr V’Daas, and a member of the Board of Governors of Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood. He can be counted on to get things done and propels the yeshiva forward with his clear vision, determination, and perseverance.
"As the tremendous growth of Klal Yisrael continues, there's a tremendous need for more balabatim to become actively involved in the yeshivas."
Board of Directors

Mr. Yehuda Braunstein
With a warm smile and a kind word, Yehuda Braunstein is always eager to give of his time and talents to the yeshiva. He is currently a partner and Head of the Family Office Practice at Sadis & Goldberg LLP as well as a member of the Firm’s Financial Services and Corporate Groups. As a native of Brooklyn, he is a graduate of Chaim Berlin and maintains the kesher as the gabbai of the Chaim Berlin alumni minyan. Ohr Naftoli can always count on Mr. Braunstein to contribute analytical thought and systematic collaboration to maintain the yeshiva’s growth and progress.

Mr. Chaim Dubin
Chaim Dubin, president at Dubin Contracting LLC, brings his building and development expertise to the yeshiva board. His vast knowledge of construction, composition and systematization has been an incredible asset as the yeshiva continues to grow and build. Mr. Dubin is a noted askan and is also very involved in support of the Mesivta of Eatontown, as well as many charitable causes in Lakewood, New Jersey.

Mr. Pinny Grunfeld
As a long-standing member of the board, Pinny Grunfeld has provided enduring support and encouragement that has benefitted the yeshiva tremendously. He is the chief executive officer for Capital Poly Corp. His decades of business experience make him a tremendous resource to the yeshiva. As a proud parent of two Ohr Naftoli alumni, Mr. Grunfeld has always gone above and beyond to assist the yeshiva.

Rabbi Yehuda Gutwein
Rabbi Yehuda Gutwein, notable Ohr Naftoli alumnus, attended Novominsk and then attended R’ Tzvi Kaplan. From there, he continued his learning at Ohr Naftoli until his move to Lakewood where he joined BMG. Rabbi Gutwein received a Masters in accounting from FDU and was employed as a public accountant until his current position on the finance team of a healthcare company. Rabbi Gutwein has warm memories of his time at the yeshiva and has tremendous hakaras hatov for the extreme mesiras nefesh of the Rosh Hayeshiva, the Menahel, and the rest of the Hanhala who avail themselves at all times to both current and former talmidim.

Mr. Shimshi Heszkel
Shimshi Heszkel is the newest member of our board of directors and is always ready and willing to help the yeshiva. As a highly-respected expert in residential real estate appraisals and the CEO and founder of Nadlan Valuation Inc., a National Appraisal Management Company, Mr. Heszkel has been an incredible resource to the yeshiva’s building expansion project. He is also instrumental in assisting numerous Lakewood mosdos and community causes and is always exceptionally giving of his time and talents.

Mr. Ari Krupp
Ari Krupp is always eager to help the yeshiva. He is the chief financial officer at Symphony Care Network where he is lauded for his sharp financial skills and extensive business acumen. He is the former chairman of the board and current active executive board member of Talmudical Academy in Baltimore. He is also an executive board member at his alma mater, the Wisconsin Institute for Torah Study (WITS). There’s no doubt that Mr. Krupp’s drive and determination will be highly instrumental in leading the yeshiva to greater heights.

Rabbi Dov Schechter
Dov Schechter, a proud Ohr Naftoli alumnus, has the distinction of being the inaugural farher conducted by Rabbi Silberberg, the current Rosh Hayeshiva. After five years of shteiging at Ohr Naftoli, he learned by R’ Tzvi Kaplan for two and a half years followed by Kollel for two years. He then started working for various non-profits before launching a career in operation management. He currently manages three departments at Culinary Depot, creating a vision within the company of collaborative and seamless service for their customers. He currently lives in Passaic where he volunteers with Chaveirim and the Chevra Kadisha. As president of the Ohr Naftoi Alumni Association, R’ Dov leads by example in his steadfast dedication to the yeshiva and in maintaining a strong kesher to the hanhala and rebbeim.

Mr. Yisrael Schwartz
Sruli Schwartz is a very active member of his community of Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. He is a healthcare business analyst at Cambridge Advisory Group and he brings his strong analytical skills to New Windsor. He is a proud alumnus and active member of the Philadelphia Community Kollel and stills maintains a strong kesher with the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Yechiel Biberfeld. His thoughtful and earnest manner bring ehrlichkeit to everything he does and make him a valued member of the Ohr Naftoli Board.

Mr. Matis Soffer
Matis Soffer is not one to sit on the sidelines; he is not only a devoted board member of New Windsor, but is also very involved in many other organizations as well as his own Brooklyn neighborhood. Having grown up in Long Beach, New York, he is very active in his alma mater, the Mesivta of Long Beach. As a noted askan, he puts the concerns and issues facing the klal at the forefront. In both personal and professional matters, Mr. Soffer conducts himself with the utmost honesty, integrity and humility and the yeshiva is fortunate to have him on board.