The Depths of Torah.
The heights of Simcha.

commitment to growth

For over a decade, Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli has educated its talmidim to reach higher and higher levels of Torah growth. The yeshiva provides a positive environment infused with warmth and motivation so that each talmid can strive toward sheifa l’gadlus and greater achievements in ahavas Torah and avodas Hashem.
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building b'nei aliyah

A strong kesher with the rebbeim, a warm and supportive environment, and a focus on maximizing every talmid’s potential contribute to the successful development of the talmidim.

for Shteiging

Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli provides a geshmak in learning that promotes optimal advancement and encourages the talmidim to reach their full potential. Be a partner in our future. Your gift makes it possible to continue nurturing the next generation of bnei Torah.

Recent News

Siyum Hashana 2024

The year תשפ”ד came to a close with the annual Ohr Naftoli Siyum Hashana, once again giving grandparents and parents the opportunity to share in the nachas of their sons and grandsons hard-earned accomplishments in learning and shteiging. The room was at full capacity with

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Annual Dinner 2024: Destination for Shteiging

The 2024 annual Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli dinner took place on Wednesday, June 5th at Bell Works, celebrating another year of growth and harbotzas Torah. It was Baruch Hashem a beautiful event that provided the opportunity to celebrate Ohr Naftoli as the “destination for shteiging”. The

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Alumni Event 2024

The annual Ohr Naftoli New Windsor Alumni Event held at Neemas Hachaim Hall was well attended, maintaining the meaningful kesher that the alumni have with the hanhala and rebbeim. The evening provided divrei Chizzuk from the Rosh Hayeshiva and the Menahel, concluding with quality time

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Lakewood Parlor Meeting 2023

The 2023 Lakewood parlor meeting was graciously hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Dovy Zolty in their home in Jackson, New Jersey. Both current and prospective yeshiva parents took part in spending time with the hanhalah and rebbeim in a cordial and warm atmosphere. There were

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always shteigin'

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